Vocational education and training is
mainly provided in vocational institutions. Vocational qualifications
include vocational upper secondary qualifications, further vocational
qualifications, and specialist vocational qualifications. In addition,
educational institutions provide preparatory education for vocational
training, work and independent living, and other vocational training
(deepening or supplementing competence or preparing for specific
Statistics on vocational education and training contain information
on applicants for vocational education and training, new students, all
students, and qualifications. In addition, information is available
e.g., on study progress and suspension of studies, placement after
qualification as well as student feedback and funding. Topics are
selectable on the left side of the screen.
The statistics are
based on data and registers collected by Statistics Finland and the
Finnish National Agency for Education. Sources of the data are the
Studyinfo service, KOSKI, a National Registry and Data Transfer Service
for Study Rights and Completed Studies, and Arvo – Education Management
Information Service.
Yearly data collected by Statistics
Finland is available from 2000 onwards. This data concerns degree
training. The data based on the Studyinfo service is available from 2014
onwards, the data from the KOSKI service and from Arvo – Education
Management Information Service are available from 2018 onwards. There
are also daily and monthly updating reports available. In the KOSKI
service, in addition to degree training, there is data also on
preparatory education and training and other vocational education and