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General upper secondary education

General upper secondary education is mainly provided in general upper secondary schools and in combined comprehensive and general upper secondary schools. General upper secondary studies can be completed according to the curriculum for young people or adults, and in most cases a matriculation examination is completed at the end of the studies. Preparatory education for programs leading to an upper secondary qualification (TUVA) is also available.

Statistics on general upper secondary education contain information on, among other things, the number of students applying for education, student numbers and the progress of studies. Topics can be selected on the left side of the screen.

The statistics are based on data and registers collected by Statistics Finland and on KOSKI, a National Registry and Data Transfer Service for Study Rights and Completed Studies, maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The statistics of applicants have been produced from the Studyinfo Student Selection Register maintained by the Finnish National Agency for Education. The grade information for the matriculation examination is obtained from the Matriculation Examination Register.

Data collected by Statistics Finland is available from 2000 onwards. The data based on the Studyinfo service is available from 2014 onwards and on the KOSKI service from 2018 onwards. There are also updating reports based on the KOSKI data. These reports contain monthly updating information. Reports based on Studyinfo are updated daily.