The reports on students
and degrees in higher education provide information on higher education
students and the degrees attained at higher education institutes.Note!
Some of the reports are subject to data protection measures. In that
case numbers of 1-4 persons are shown as "1-4" and larger numbers are
rounded to the nearest multiple of three. Percentages are calculated
using the protected numbers.
Higher education students and degrees
Degrees completed in target time
The reports contain information on degrees taken at the Finnish
higher education institutes. Target durations of the degrees are based
on section 40 of the Universities Act and on section 30 of the
Universities of Applied Sciences Act.
Some of the reports are subject to data protection measures. In that
case numbers of 1-4 persons are shown as "1-4" and larger numbers are
rounded to the nearest multiple of three. Percentages are calculated
using the protected numbers.
The funding model report does not include
person variables, so no data protection has been applied to the report.
The suffix '_s' means that numbers are not protected. The funding model
report does not include degrees whose funding source is "commissioned
Higher education instituteStatistical year