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Students and degrees

The reports on students and degrees in UAS education provide information on the students and the number of degrees attained in universities of applied sciences. Data is available from the year 1999 onwards.​

Note! Some of the reports are subject to data protection measures. In that case numbers of 1-4 persons are shown as "1-4" and larger numbers are rounded to the nearest multiple of three. Percentages are calculated using the protected numbers.

​New students, students and degrees in UAS education

New students

New students in universities of applied sciences. The data is reported according to the situation on the 20th of September of the statistical year.

Field of education - ISCED
Field of education - HE steering
Statistical year
Type of education
University of applied sciences


Degree students enrolled as present or absent. The data is reported according to the situation on the 20th of September of the statistical year.​​

Field of education - ISCED
Field of education - HE steering
Statistical year
Type of education
University of applied sciences

Students (FTE)

FTE students in universities of applied sciences. FTE refers to "full-time equivalent". FTE calculation produces a weighted number of students on the basis of presence and attainment of credits. For a more detailed explanation of the FTE method, please see the Information tab on the reports.

Field of education - ISCED
Field of education - HE steering
Region of education 
Statistical year
Type of education
University of applied sciences


UAS Bachelor's and Master's degrees attained during the statistical year.

Field of education - ISCED
Field of education - HE steering​
Region of education 
Statistical year
University of applied sciences

Students who have earned over 55 credits

The population for the calculation are the students of the previous autumn (20 September) of whom the number of students who earned 55 or more credits during the academic year (1 August - 31 July). Students who started in the spring semester are taken into account, if they have earned 27 or more credits during the spring semester (1 January - 31 July). The calculation also takes into account the number of credits earned during the previous academic years, if the credits exceed 55 credits per academic year, or, for students who started in the spring semester, 27 credits during the first semester. This data is extracted from the Virta data warehouse annually on 20 October.

Field of education - ISCED
Field of education – HE steering
Statistical Year
University of applied sciences

Yli 55 op suorittaneet opiskelijat

Läsnä- tai poissaoleviksi kirjautuneet ammattikorkeakoulututkinto-opiskelijat (tilastovuoden 20.9. tilanteen mukaan), jotka ovat suorittaneet vähintään 55 opintopistettä edellisenä lukuvuonna. Perusjoukosta on rajattu pois ensimmäisen lukuvuoden opiskelijat sekä ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon opiskelijat.


Degrees attained in UAS education