Age group | In Vipunen, age group refers to a group to which a person belongs based on his or her age during the statistical year. In statistics, people are usually divided into age groups by 5- or 1-year intervals (for example, persons aged 0-4, 5-9 or 10-14 or persons aged 0, 1, 2 or 3). |
AVI area of education; the AVI area where the qualification has been attained | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of education refers to the AVI area of the municipality where the education in question is or has been primarily pursued. The AVI area of education may differ from the AVI area of the education provider or institution. The AVI areas (the Regional State Administrative Agencies) correspond to the Finnish regions. The Agencies foster regional parity by executing legislative implementation, steering and supervision functions in the regions. |
AVI area of the education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of the education provider refers to the AVI area where the official address of the education provider is located. |
AVI area of the institution | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of the institution refers to the AVI area where the official address of the educational institution is located. The AVI area of the institution may differ from the AVI area of the education provider or education.
AVI area of the place of residence; the operating area of the Regional State Administrative Agency governing the place of residence | The Vipunen Reporting Portal defines the AVI area as the operating area of the Regional State Administrative Agency governing the home municipality where the person lives at the end of the year, as provided under the Municipality of Residence Act (201/1994; kotikuntalaki). The AVI areas (the operating areas of the Regional State Administrative Agencies) correspond to the Finnish regions. The Agencies foster regional parity by executing legislative implementation, steering and supervision functions in the regions. |
Education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, education provider refers to the education provider as previously defined in the Vocabulary of Education (OKSA) (incl. maintaining organisations for polytechnics and maintaining organisations for non-formal adult education institutions) and universities. |
Education under other than education administration; education under another administrative sector | Education subject to the laws, decrees and decisions prepared for the Government and Parliament by the provincial government of Åland or a ministry other than the Ministry of Education and Culture, and to the decisions, regulations and guidance issued by the provincial government of Åland or a ministry other than the Ministry of Education and Culture. Examples of education under another administrative sector include education provided by the Police College of Finland, the National Defence College and Åland Polytechnic. Statistics published in the Vipunen Reporting Portal exclude higher education that falls under the administrative sectors other than education administration. See also education under the education administration.
Education under the education administration | Education subject to the laws, decrees and decisions prepared for the Government and Parliament by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and to the decisions, regulations and guidance issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the government authorities working under the Ministry. See also education under other than education administration. Statistics published in the Vipunen Reporting Portal exclude higher education that falls under administrative sectors other than education administration.
Educational institution | An educational institution refers to an administrative unit with a principal or other head, which has teachers and other personnel in its service (role of employers), and which is liable to keep books and compile other documentation, in which students are registered, whose activities are regulated by a legal act or decree, which follows a national curriculum, and which is financed and controlled by a public authority. An educational institution does not refer to a school building or facility. A new educational institution is established, an educational institution is abolished or merged with another educational institution at the decision of the organiser of education (maintaining organisation of the educational institution) or a public authority.
EEA country; Member of the European Economic Area | In Vipunen, the EEA country refers to the 27 EU Member States of the European Economic Area and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The variable values are "Yes" and "No". |
ELY area of education; the ELY area where the qualification has been attained | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of education refers to the AVI area of the municipality where the education in question is or has been primarily pursued. The ELY area of education may differ from the ELY area of the education provider or institution. ELY areas (the operating areas of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) correspond to the Finnish regions or regional combinations. ELY Centres are responsible for the central government implementation and development tasks that were formerly under the Employment and Economic Development Centres, Regional Environmental Centres, Road Districts and State Provincial Offices.
ELY area of the education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of the education provider refers to the AVI area where the official address of the education provider is located. |
ELY area of the institution | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, ELY area of the institution refers to the ELY area where the official address of the educational institution is located. The ELY area of the institution may differ from the ELY area of the education provider or education.
ELY area of the place of residence; the operating area of the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment governing the place of residence | The Vipunen Reporting Portal defines the AVI area as the operating area of the Regional State Administrative Agency governing the home municipality where the person lives at the end of the year, as provided under the Municipality of Residence Act (201/1994; kotikuntalaki). ELY areas (the operating areas of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment) correspond to the Finnish regions or regional combinations. ELY Centres are responsible for the central government implementation and development tasks that were formerly under the Employment and Economic Development Centres, Regional Environmental Centres, Road Districts and State Provincial Offices. |
EU country; Member of the European Union | In Vipunen, EU country refers to the 27 Member States of the European Union. The variable values are "Yes" and "No". |
Field of education | The Vipunen Reporting Portal refers to the Finnish National Agency for Education 2002 Classification of Education, Field of education (Opetushallinnon koulutusluokitus 2002, koulutusala) when classifying the fields of education. |
Form of education and training | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, type of education further specifies the data on levels of education by distinguishing between youth and adult general upper secondary education (see youth/adult general upper secondary education), youth and adult polytechnic education, curriculum-based vocational upper secondary qualification, competence-based vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification and specialist vocational qualification (see method of vocational education), and by separating the above-mentioned vocational qualifications into institution-based and apprenticeship-based (see form of vocational education). |
Form of vocational education and training | The forms of vocational education in vocational upper secondary education and training and vocational further education and training leading to a vocational qualification are provisions of educational institutions and apprenticeship training. |
Gender | The Vipunen Reporting Portal variable values are "man", "woman", "not defined" and "not known". |
Income group; ~ Income decile | The decile where a person is placed according to his or her annual taxable income. The limits of income deciles are formed by dividing the income-receiving population into ten equal groups according to their annual taxable income. In the income decile, the recipient group (tenth) that has the lowest income is indicated as 1 and the recipient group with the highest income (tenth) is indicated as 10; rest of the income recipients are divided between 2 and 9. Persons without income form their own group.
Language of education | Language in which the instruction as part of education is primarily given. |
Language of the education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, language of the education provider refers to the language of the provider laid down in law (when the provider is a municipality), the language indicated in the authorisation to provide education (when the provider is other than a municipality) or the language laid down in law (when the provider is a university). The variable values are "Finnish", "Swedish", "Bilingual: mainly Swedish" and "Bilingual: mainly Finnish".
Language of the institution | In educational institutions, the language of instruction is based on a decision made by the authorities but institutions can provide instruction in other languages in addition to the one specified in the decision. In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, educational institutions are divided into the following groups by language of instruction: 1) Finnish, 2) Swedish, 3) Finnish/Swedish, 4) English, 5) Sámi and 9) Other. If an educational institution provides education in Finnish and Swedish, the language of instruction will be "Finnish/Swedish".
Level of education | The Vipunen Reporting Portal refers to the Finnish National Agency for Education 2002 Classification of Education, Level of education (Opetushallinnon koulutusluokitus 2002, koulutusaste) when classifying the levels of education. |
Main type of activity | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, the concept of main type of activity describes the nature of a person's economic activity. The population is generally divided into people in the labour force (unemployed and unemployed) and those outside the labour force. These categories can be further divided into subgroups. The Vipunen Reporting Portal applies the following classification: "employed", "employed student", "student", "unemployed", "conscripts, conscientious objectors", "pensioners" (incl. persons receiving unemployment pension), "other or not known" and "emigrated". The last category is not part of the actual classification of main type of activity. |
Method of vocational education and training | The methods of vocational education in vocational upper secondary education and training and vocational further education and training leading to a vocational qualification are curriculum-based provision and preparatory training for competence-based qualifications. Vocational upper secondary education and training is either curriculum-based or provides students with preparatory training for a competence-based qualification, while the method of education preparing students for further and specialist vocational qualifications (further education) always consists of preparatory training leading to a competence-based qualification.
Mother tongue | The Vipunen Reporting Portal applies a number of classifications of different level of accuracy, for example a two-letter code (ISO 639) or a narrower classification of "Finnish" (incl. Sámi), "Swedish", "Other language" and "Not known". |
Municipality of education; municipality where the qualification is attained | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, municipality of education refers to the municipality where education is or has primarily been pursued. The municipality of education may differ from the municipality of the education provider or institution. Municipal borders are based on administrative territorial division. According to the principle of local self-government, a municipality has the right to manage the tasks it assumes for itself and those prescribed to it by law.
Municipality of residence | The Vipunen Reporting Portal defines the municipality of residence as a person's home municipality where the person lives at the end of the year, as provided under the Municipality of Residence Act (201/1994; kotikuntalaki). Municipal borders are based on administrative territorial division. According to the principle of local self-government, a municipality has the right to manage the tasks it assumes for itself and those prescribed for it by law. |
Municipality of the education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of the education provider refers to the AVI area where the official address of the education provider is located. The municipality of the education provider may differ from the municipality of the educational institution or education. Municipal borders are based on administrative territorial division. According to the principle of local self-government, a municipality has the right to manage the tasks it assumes for itself and those prescribed to it by law.
Municipality of the institution | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, ELY area of the institution refers to the ELY area where the official address of the educational institution is located. The municipality of the institution may differ from the municipality of the education provider or education.
Name of education | Name of education is a subclass of the field of education and the subfield of education, which helps in dividing education into more specific groups according to similar content. In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, name of education corresponds to the 6-digit education code used by Statistics Finland.
Nationality | The Vipunen Reporting Portal applies a number of classifications of different level of accuracy, for example the entire three-digit ISO 639, the same classification for the most common languages used in Finland and, as the broadest grouping, "Finnish" and "Others" (non-Finnish). If a person has more than one nationality, Finnish is prioritised in the Vipunen Reporting Portal. |
Nordic country | Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Iceland; in the Vipunen Reporting Portal the Nordic country variable values are "Yes" or "No". |
Region of education; region where the qualification is attained | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, municipality of education refers to the municipality where education is or has primarily been pursued. The region of education may differ from the region of the education provider or institution. Finland is divided into regions for the development of the areas and for the planning of their use. A region is an area in which the municipalities form an operationally and economically functional whole for the development of the area.
Region of residence | The Vipunen Reporting Portal defines the region of residence as the region where a person's home municipality is located at the end of the year. Finland is divided into regions for the development of the areas and for the planning of their use. A region is an area in which the municipalities form an operationally and economically functional whole for the development of the area. |
Region of the education provider | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, AVI area of the education provider refers to the AVI area where the official address of the education provider is located. The municipality of the education provider may differ from the municipality of the educational institution or education. Finland is divided into regions for the development of the areas and for the planning of their use. A region is an area in which the municipalities form an operationally and economically functional whole for the development of the area.
Region of the institution | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, ELY area of the institution refers to the ELY area where the official address of the educational institution is located. The region of education may differ from the region of the education provider or education. |
Sector of education | The Vipunen Reporting Portal refers to the following sectors of education: pre-primary and basic education, comprehensive school education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training, polytechnic education and university education. |
Socio-economic group | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, socio-economic group comprises a number of criteria, including the phase of life (family member, student, economically active, pensioner, etc.), and with regard to economically active persons, also occupation and status in employment. In addition, persons are classified according to their occupation and nature of work (employees and manual workers). The industry and the number of wage and salary earners are also included in the criteria. |
Specific type of degree or qualification | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, specific type of degree or qualification further specifies the data on levels of education by distinguishing between youth and adult general upper secondary education, youth and adult polytechnic education, vocational upper secondary qualification, competence-based vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification and specialist vocational qualification. |
Statistical year | The year for which the statistics are compiled. Data for the statistical year can be given as a sum for the given period or it can describe a given cross-sectional point in time. For example, data for completed qualifications provide the number of qualifications during a calendar year, while the category of students in education leading to qualification provides the number of students on 20 September and the main type of activity of completers gives the data for the last week of the year.
Status in employment | Status in employment describes the position of the employed in the labour market. The Vipunen Reporting Portal classifies employed persons into wage and salary earners and entrepreneurs. The category of entrepreneurs also comprises family members who work in the enterprise but are not classified as wage and salary earners. In Vipunen, status in employment data is based on a person's pension insurance and the amount of wages and salary or entrepreneurial income. |
Subfield of education | The Vipunen Reporting Portal refers to the Finnish National Agency for Education 2002 Classification for Education, Subfield of education (Opetushallinnon koulutusluokitus 2002, opintoala) when classifying the subfields of education. |
Type of polytechnic education | The Vipunen Reporting Portal includes the following types of education provided by polytechnics youth education: young people's education leading to a polytechnic degree, adult education leading to a polytechnic degree, vocational teacher education, specialisation studies, and education leading to a polytechnic Master's degree. |
Type of vocational education and training | The Vipunen Reporting Portal includes the following types of vocational education and training: vocational upper secondary education and training and vocational further education and training. Vocational upper secondary education and training leads to, or prepares students for, upper secondary qualifications. Students attain vocational upper secondary qualifications based on the basic education syllabus. Vocational further education and training constitutes preparatory training for further and specialist vocational qualifications; these are always based on preparatory training for competence-based qualifications and lead to such a qualification. However, further and specialist vocational qualifications can be attained without attending preparatory training. |
Type of vocational qualification | The Vipunen Reporting Portal classifies vocational upper secondary education and training and further vocational education and training leading to a vocational qualification according to the type of qualification as follows: education leading to/preparing for a vocational upper secondary qualification, education preparing for a further vocational qualification, and education preparing for specialist vocational qualification. Qualifications attained in vocational upper secondary education and training are vocational upper secondary qualifications based on the basic education syllabus. The objective of vocational upper secondary education and training is to provide students with broad basic vocational skills and specialist competences in accordance with their study programme. Education preparing students for further and specialist vocational qualifications refers to vocational adult education and training that always leads to competence-based qualifications. However, further and specialist vocational qualifications can be attained without attending preparatory training. A further vocational qualification constitutes a demonstration of the vocational skills required from a professional employee in the field in question. The specialist vocational qualification bears testimony to the holder’s ability to complete the most demanding work tasks in the field. |
Vocational upper secondary education and training and vocational further education and training | In the Vipunen Reporting Portal, this category refers to vocational upper secondary and further education and training, excluding additional vocational education and continuous professional development that do not lead to a qualification. |
Year of qualification | Calendar year during which the qualification has been attained. |
Youth and adult general upper secondary education | General upper secondary education may be based on young people's curriculum (2) or adults' curriculum (2). |