Professional transitions in the population

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Professional transitions in the population

The transition reports examine labour market transitions by occupational group and main activity.

Occupational transitions examine transitions between occupational groups.

Note! The report is subject to data protection measures. In secure reports, the numbers 1 to 4 concerning persons are shown as ‘1–4’ and numbers over 4 are rounded to the nearest number divisible by three. Any percentages are also calculated with protected numbers.

Transitions by main activity

The focus of the examination is on the transitions of the working-age population according to their main activities. The examination includes the employed, unemployed, students and those outside the labour force. The reports present how the main activities of the employed, unemployed, students and others outside the labour force have changed or remained the same between the two review periods.

Transitions of employed persons (%)
Transitions of the unemployed (%)
Student transitions (%)
Transitions of those outside the labour market (%)

Occupational transitions for employed persons

The examination focuses on the transitions of the working-age population between professional groups.  The review includes 78 professional groups and 89 industries. The reports present how the occupational group or sector of the employed has changed or remained the same between the two review periods.

Profession group